Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I am so super excited for Thanksgiving!! My mouth just waters when i think about all that food. I am usually all excited for black friday shopping every year, but this year is gonna be different. I don't have any one to go with and i refuse to go alone. This year my partner in crime had to have surgery and will be out on leave this year. Its okay because i want whats best for her anyways and her  being in bed resting and us taking care of her is far more exciting than wasting all of my money at the store on stupid sales. LOL. I am just thankful that our family will get to spend this holiday together and everyone can attend the family dinner. I am also thankful for Mike and my sweet boys for being so good to me. I don't know what i would ever do if i lost one of them. It has been really hard on me still after losing my mom, and when i get depressed or need somebody to talk to she was the one i went to for everything. Now i am on my own and i get pretty cranky when i don't have my best friend to give me the best advice out there. So thank you guys for all your support. I love you all more that you could ever know.

Were Moving!!

Yep i said it we are moving!! After careful consideration we thought that it would be best if we moved back to the valley. Our plans are to move back into my mothers house where Mike can be closer to his work. There are tons of things that i would like to get done in the house were moving to like paint, and new carpet and i also want to get all new appliances for the kitchen, but i am gonna have to be patient and go slow because there is just no way that we can afford all this new stuff and a move all at once. So i have decided that we will paint the walls, and then get new carpet in a while. I also want to get new siding on the outside of the house cause right now what is there is falling apart. But with the snow that is deff gonna have to wait until spring time or maybe even summer. All these things my mom wanted done before she passed but never had the money to do them all. So i figure it will make the house look tons better and it will be for sure what she wants. I am just so blessed that we have the opportunity to move back to a place that i have always know as home. Not just the Valley itself the the home that i grew up in most of my life. Call me crazy but we are probably gonna be moving in the next few weeks and packing up our house we live in now and unpacking at the other house and christmas all in the same week or two. I can't beleive we are doing this to ourselves right now. But at least we will be saving on gas through winter with Mike not driving up everyday. Plus he will get an extra hour of sleep everyday with work being so close and not having to drive. YES!!! I so can not wait!! I do wish that there was somebody out there that could do it all for me. But theres not so i will do it and just get it over with!!! Wish us luck

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

7 Months

Talon is now 7 months old... he is growing so fast!! It amazes me how fast babies grow. They go from being so helpless to wanting to do everything on their own. Here are a few pics from where we stand now.
Sitting all by himself with his brother there to spot him just in case he falls back.

And enjoying his first sucker that wyatt gave him from his halloween candy bag. So cute i just couldn't take it away.

Talon has been teething really bad lately and has just recently cut the bottom two teeth through. They are deff there just not quite enough to get a good picture of them. But soon there will be pics of his adorable little teeth.Talon has gotten to the point that he would rather have what your eating over baby food. Sad part is there is not a whole lot he can have just yet.  So i try to make sure that his little tummy is full before the rest of us sit down for dinner. Cause it just breaks my heart when he wants something really bad and can't have it.

Family Pictures!!

The time has come for our little family to get our annual family pictures!! This is the first family picture that we have got with our little Talon Jay..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Holidays!!!

This time of year is my favorite, I love to celebrate with family and friends!! Thanksgiving is so much fun a time when our little family alternates each year with either my family or mikes family. This year we are going with mikes family. When i think about all the yummy food i melt a little inside!! Then comes Christmas, i love the smell of the cold winter air. But i hate being cold. Once i get cold i can never get warm again. The spirit of Christmas always makes me feel so thankful for the things that i have in my life. I have a wonderful hubby and two beautiful amazing kids any momma could ask for. I love my little family more that words can say.

I do have to mention that this time of year is the very most stressful!! Trying to get all the bills paid, along with property taxes a few days before christmas and then all the gifts for my babies! I want to make sure that my kids have the best of everything out there. And when people tell me that i can't do that because they are gonna be spoiled and rotten kids. I just tell them ya but they are only little once!! I want my kids dreams to come true and have a chance to explore everything. So when it comes time to make a decision on what they want to be, they can say well i have tried almost everything and i really like this!! Enough of this i am getting very excited about this Christmas!! We are moving back to the valley and into my mothers house!! That is the one present i wanted was to be home where my mom can watch over me in a place i know i will be pertected. A place that i have always known as HOME!!