Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Complete Frustration!!

Well for all of you wanting to know how we have been doing lately, we are doing great other than one thing after another going wrong. When it rains it pours!! And Hard for sure!! It all started a few weeks ago when my sweet little Talon woke up in the middle of the night for one of his nightly feedings, and I quickly get up get him out of his crib change his cute little chubby bum and go to the sink turn on the water to make him a bottle and rock him back to sleep, and by golly there is no water coming out of our faucet!! So at that point I run and wake Mike up to go under the house to check and see if it happened to be the pressure switch to our well because it sometimes switches off and we have to switch it back on to get water again. Well after like 45 mins of him messing with it and still no water we come to the conclusion that it was the well pump and there wasn't going to be anywater until we have somebody come out and fix it. (And at this point its like 3 a.m.)  So i hand the baby to Mike run to maverick buy a gallon of water so we had something to drink when we all woke up and to make formula for baby Talon. Got that done, put baby back to bed and i laid in bed but couldn't fall back to sleep so i got on the computer googled Dennings Well Drilling in Idaho Falls. I packed us a little bag to go and stay the night with my dad until they could come out and fix it. Usually it takes a couple of days for them to be able to come out, but they came out that same day and fixed it the next. But anyways back to the not having any water. We all had to be up and going at 7 a.m. to get ready for work. I went in and got Wyatt up started to make him some breakfast and he comes to me and tells me he has to go to the bathroom. So i tell him ok lets go, after he got his business done i realized duh!!! There is no water to flush the toilet. This was one experience i will never forget. I give tons and tons of credit to the people that lived with out flushing toilets and running water. I don't think i could do it. 

But it doesn't end here...... Then our wheel bearing goes out in the car so we had to get that fixed which was no big deal, but after that then mike blows a tire on the way home from work last night, which i just thank god that me and the kids were not with him when that happened with it being as hot out as it has been here. After we got that fixed today, I get the dreaded phone call that my grandma Smaelie has passed away. I am just losing all of my loved ones to fast for my comfort. I have lost 3 now in less than a year. I lost my very best friend in this whole world on October the 27th 2010, my momma!!! I miss her so much!! Everyday i have a little melt down. I keep it to myslef so that nobody notices but there is just no way that i can ease the pain without a few tears every now and then. And then on April 11th 2011 the day that i brought my sweet baby boy Talon Jay into this world at 4:40 p.m. I find out when i call my dad and tell him to come down and see his new grandson that my grandma Geneva Matkin passed away at 4:30 pm. As if not having my mom there with me when i had my baby wasn't hard enough for me i get this new. Then today i lost my sweet grandma Ardele Smaelie. They are so loved and missed. I just  have to stop and think to myself that one day we will meet again. 

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