Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Today was a very sad day in our home. Our kitty Binx went and joined all our loved ones in heaven. He will forever be missed  and be in our hearts forever! We love u kitter Binx
Let me tell you Bink's story....
One very cold December night I recieved a phone from my mom asking if we would like a kitten, one of her friends found it in her driveway freezing. My mom knew she couldn't take it so she offered it to us. We weren't sure if we wanted another pet but after talking with Mike for a bit we decided that Wyatt (1 at the time) would love a little kitty to play with so we said yes!! He was very loving from the very beginning and Wyatt packed this little kitty everywhere. Wrapped him in blankets and dressed him in clothes. Binx would just lay there through it all. After a while of keeping the kitty in the house we decided to let him outside to play. He instantly had a seizure and did every time he went out for the longest time or until he got used to the outdoors. We didnt think he would live long anyways and i couldnt afford seizure medication every month so we decided to just wait and see what would happen.This continued for a while and started happening more frequently whether he was inside or out. 
After we moved back to the valley he only had one which was amazing and we have been back a year and a half. It seemed to be healing itself on its own.

Today I got the kids ready to go on a walk, got shoes on and the stroller out headed down the drive way and noticed that Binx was following us he loved going on walks. Wyatt and Binx went ahead a little ways and I told Wyatt to stop before he got to close to the road it was close to 5 pm and cars were everywhere. Binx usually would stop when we did but he didn't this time and got hot by a fast traveling car. Wyatt instantly started crying and ran home for dad. 
Mike came and got him out of the road, brought him home wrapped him in his favorite blanket that he would find every night no matter where it was in the house and sleep all night. While mike was digging a hole me and the kids went and picked flowers for his little grave. 

Binx was just like another kid in the house, he was the only cat I knew that love love loved buffalo chicken wings and would beg for us to share if we were eating them for dinner. He will surely be missed and know that he will always hold a special place in our hearts and home. But Wyatt said his grandma needed him more than we did. Love u Binxy!!! 
Best decision I ever made was taking him into our home.

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